Name: GAO Muyang
2014-2018年 中国人民大学 人口资源环境经济学 博士
Education background:
2014-2018 Renmin University of China Demography, Resource and Environmental Economics PHD
课题名称:(2015.12-至今) 低生育率的中国模式 教育部人文社科基地重大项目
课题名称:(2015.8-至今) 北京市人口调控的分解研究 北京市人口调控的分解研究 个人职责:实地调研收集数据,分析北京人口流动趋势。
课题名称:(2016.3-至今) 全面两孩生育政策的实施效应研究 国家社会科学基金重大项目
Academic projects:
Chinese mode of low birth rate. 2015.10-Present
Responsibility: Sorting data of Chinese Population Statistical Yearbook and Chinese Economic Statistical Yearbook. Also made charts of population, employment rate etc. to reflect the influence of different policy.
Analysis of the population controlling policy in Beijing. 2015.08-Present
Responsibility:Collecting data to help with the analysis of the population in Beijing.
The effect of the implementation of overall two kids policy.(NSSF) 2016.03-Present
Responsibility: Collecting data to analyze the trends of birth intention and the impact