Name:Wu Wenying (Wenny)
Title: Professor
Courses:English for University Studies— Reading;English for General Academic Purposes— Reading
Email: bpuiec3@bjut.edu.cn
Professor Wenying WU received her Bachelor of Art form the English Department of Anhui University in 1989, and her Master's Degree of Art, focused on Intercultural Communication study, form the Faculty of General Science of Osaka Prefecture University, Osaka, Japan in 1994.
研究方向主要为:中外合作办学、大学国际化、跨文化交际与管理等。曾主持北京市社哲、北京市教委、中国高等教育学会引智分会,北京工业大学校级等研究课题10多项,目前在研课题 2 项, 发表相关领域研究论文近30篇,其中CSSCI 5篇; 兼任北京工业大学校级英语、日语口译和笔译工作 20 余年,出版译著两部。曾任中国高等教育学会引进国外智力工作分会常务理事,北京市引进国外智力分会副理事长,北京来华留学工作研究会常务理事等。现为中国高等教育学会中外合作办学研究分会理事;兼任《北京工业大学学报》(自然科学版)英文摘要译审;北京工业大学学术委员会委员,《北京工业大学学报》(社科版)编委。
She has been long engaged in the profession of International Exchange and Cooperation, and has abundant experiences in promoting the internationalization of Higher Education. She was a visiting scholar at Zuyd University, Holland and Nante University, France respectively in 2000 and 2014.
Her research interest centers on Education of Sino-Joint Running Programs, Intercultural Communication and Management, and Internationalization of Higher Education. More than 30 academic papers have been published in the above mentioned fields, and 2 of books of her translation have been published as well.
She has won many awards and honors in her professional career. She was awarded the 2nd Price of Beijing Municipal Achievement of Education and Teaching in 2013, and the 1st Price of BJUT Achievement of Education and teaching. She was also awarded the Title of Professional Integrity of Teachers by Beijing Municipal Government in 2014. Two Master's Degree thesis supervised by her won the BJUT Excellence Master's Thesis respectively in 2015 and 2016 thereby she was awarded the title of“Excellent Supervisors.”