Junbiao Pang
Email: junbiao_pang@bjut.edu.cn
DBLP: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/pers/hd/p/Pang:Junbiao
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8153-7229
Basic information:
Ø PhD of applied computer technology, institute of computing technology, Chinese academy of sciences.
Ø Associate professor, postgraduate supervisor, doctoral supervisor, Beijing university of technology.
Ø Researcher of Beijing key laboratory of multimedia and intelligent software technology.
Ø Member of China Computer Federation (CCF).
Ø Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Research synopsis:
Ø Multimedia Technology, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Deep Learning.
Ø Traffic Big Data, Intelligent Traffic, Data-driven Traffic Planning.
Ø General project of national natural science foundation of China, 61472387, pay attention to the analysis and recognition of human movement guided by selection.
Ø Key project of national natural science foundation of China, 61332016, semantic collaboration and mining of cross-platform heterogeneous media oriented to network events.
Ø National natural science foundation of China, 61672069, prediction of bus arrival time in cities based on heterogeneous data.
Ø Beijing natural science foundation general project, 4132010, research on object detection methods for changing posture and hiding problems in real environment.
Ø National natural science foundation of China (youth foundation project), 61202234, research on the applicability of object detection based on active learning under weak labeling.
Ø General project of national natural science foundation of China, 61872333, video motion detection under weak supervision.
Ø A number of enterprises and institutions horizontal projects.
Ø Pattern Recognition
Ø Machine Learning
Ø Design Pattern
Ø Python